20th CIMT Annual Meeting

Abstract Submission Guidelines

The Scientific Abstract Committee will evaluate the scientific quality of the submitted abstracts based on the following criteria: novelty of the research, significance of the findings, and clarity. Submitted abstracts should contain unpublished results. Authors should be particularly cognizant of the importance of setting forth the objectives and hypotheses of the study in a clear, succinct manner, and of summarizing their results. If an abstract is poorly written such that the Scientific Abstract Committee cannot determine its novelty and importance, it will not be accepted for presentation at the conference. Authors must accept sole responsibility for the statements in their abstracts.

Authors submitting abstracts for presentation must first register to attend the conference. For abstract presenters, participation in this conference is mandatory.

Content and Format

  1. Please submit your abstract in English. Consistent American or British spelling should be used throughout.
  2. The combined length of the abstract title and body should not exceed 3,000 characters (including spaces). The online submission system will not accept abstracts that exceed this limit. The author and institution list is not included in the character limit. 
  3. Sentence-style capitalization for the title should be followed: only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized e.g. The role of the tumor microenvironment in …
  4. Titles should be indicative of the content of the abstract. All words necessary to identify the subject matter should be included in the title to facilitate electronic retrieval (if applicable). Avoid non-standard abbreviations in abstract titles.
  5. Abstracts must describe in a succinct manner the purposes and results of the research so that the quality, novelty, and comprehensiveness of the work can be evaluated by the Scientific Abstract Committee. Each abstract should contain: (a) an introductory sentence indicating the purposes of the study; (b) a brief description of pertinent experimental procedures; (c) a summary of the data; and (d) a statement of the conclusions. These should be provided as a single paragraph without any subheading.
  6. Please refrain from formatting your abstracts. We cannot guarantee that abstracts will be formatted in the exact way as they are entered.
  7. Abbreviations may be used in the body of an abstract if they are defined at their first mention in the text. Complex therapeutic regimens must be identified.
  8. No citation, figure, table, or any type of illustration should be added to the abstract.
  9. When biological or chemical data pertaining to chemical entities are an integral part of the research, the chemical structure, method of preparation, and patent or reference numbers must be presented. If for any reason this information cannot be provided when the paper is presented at the conference, the abstract on this work should not be submitted for consideration.
  10. Because of administrative and time constraints, supplemental data cannot be considered by the Scientific Planning Committee.
  11. The authors are responsible for ensuring accuracy of the submitted abstract. Every effort will be made to publish the abstract exactly as submitted. Authors should prepare and proofread their abstracts carefully prior to submission. Errors made on your submitted abstract are likely to appear in print.
  12. Authors are strongly encouraged to print a hard copy of their abstracts before submission.


  1. Note that only the submitting (corresponding) person receives all notifications about the abstract. Therefore, make sure that emails from information@smart-abstract.com are not marked as spam by your email provider.
  2. Submitting (corresponding) authors take responsibility for informing all co-authors of the successful submission, acceptance, or rejection, as well as for forwarding to presenters any instructions received on how to present the abstract.


You have questions on submission or registration? Please choose “Help” in the menu at the top right, or send us a message via the "Feedback/Support" button in the main navigation. We will get back to you at very short notice.