EORTC-CLTG Annual Meeting 2024

Guidelines for submitting an abstract


  • Please submit your abstracts online only. Abstracts submitted via e-mail, post, or other methods will generally not be accepted.
  • The conference language is ENGLISH.
  • Abstract submission is possible in ENGLISH
  • Abstract changes and corrections will be accepted until the deadline on Monday, August 19, 2024 (18:00, CEST)
  • Ensure the citable publication of the abstracts.
  • For presenting authors of accepted abstracts, registration and participation in this conference is mandatory.

Notifications (Emails)

  • Note that only the submitting (corresponding) person receives all notifications about the abstract. Therefore, make sure that emails from information@smart-abstract.com are not marked as spam by your email provider.
  • Submitting (corresponding) authors take responsibility for informing all co-authors of the successful submission, acceptance or rejection, as well as for forwarding to presenters any instructions received on how to present the abstract.

Content and format

  • Abstracts of papers previously presented at international congresses (Encores) are admissible.
  • Please indicate the topic from the abstract topics list and your preferred type of presentation (oral or poster). The Committee will endeavor to schedule abstracts according to authors’ preferences but reserves the right to decide on the final form of presentation.
  • Do not use the title or the name(s) of the author(s) in the body of the abstract.
  • Please phrase your abstract clearly and unambiguously, and structure it according to the research question, the objective, the methods used and the conclusion.
  • Use standard abbreviations.
  • The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study. Abbreviations must not be used in the title. The title should not be written entirely in capital letters (e.g. NOT LIKE THIS)
  • Abstract content is limited to a maximum of 2500 characters (including spaces). The submission program will automatically calculate the number of characters in your abstract and will not allow submissions that exceed the maximum number of characters.
  • Abstracts may include up to 2 illustrations (images/tables). For each illustration inserted into the abstract 10 characters will be deducted. You can upload images in JPG or PNG format. The max. size for images is 2,5 MB.
  • Abstracts may include up to 2 references. For each reference inserted into the abstract 2 characters will be deducted.
  • Please refrain from formatting your abstracts. We cannot guarantee that abstracts will be formatted in the exact way as they are entered.
  • Please use generic names. The use of commercial drug names, brands and registered trademarks are strictly prohibited. Drugs should be referred to by the active substance or pharmacological designation.
  •  No mention of pharmaceutical company names should be included in the abstract.


  • You have questions on submission? Please choose “Help” in the menu at the top right, or send us a message via the "Feedback/Support" button in the main navigation. We will get back to you at very short notice.

For further information concerning registration please visit the www.eortc-cltg.org