4th International Conference of the German Society of Nursing Science „Nursing Research: Are we keeping up?“

Privacy Policy

The protection of your privacy is an important concern for us, in particular as to deal with your personal data. We respect your privacy and collect, process and use your personal data in harmony with the regulations of the Federal Republic of Germany and higher level European legislation.

1. Responsible body

The responsible body within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the Member States as well as other data protection provisions is:

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflegewissenschaft e.V.
Prof. Dr. Inge Eberl
Bürgerstr. 47
47057 Duisburg

Phone: +49 203 35 67 93
E-mail: info@dg-pflegewissenschaft.de

Any claims are to be directed to the responsible contact person. This applies in particular to data protection law claims for information, correction, blocking or deletion.

2. Purpose of processing and legal basis

We use the data obtained during the abstract registration

3. Recipients 

The DGP e.V. will not regularly sell or rent your personal data to third parties.
The DGP e.V. passes your personal data to third parties only, if

All third parties are processors we employ (Art. 28 DS-GVO). These are companies in categories IT services, logistics, print services and telecommunications.

4. Data processing on calling up our website

On visiting our website, information such as

will be forwarded to our servers automatically and stored by us temporarily. This is done for the following reasons:

This anonymous data will be stored separately from your personal data given, if any, and thus does not allow any conclusions concerning a given person. It will be analysed for statistical purposes in order to optimise our Internet access and our offerings. 

5. Cookies

We use cookies on our websites. Cookies are text files that are filed and stored on a computer system via an Internet browser. They are not intended to damage your computer.

In particular, we use cookies, to store settings you have made, such as your regional selection, filter functions or functions provided while browsing inside the platform.

We use process cookies and their use ensures that our website works correctly. This includes browsing the website and secure completion of purchases on it.

We also use security cookies, to authenticate you as user and that your user data is safe from unauthorised access by third parties. For example, we use these cookies to secure access to protected platform areas.

We use session status cookies to receive information about the interaction of our users with the website. This enables us constantly to improve our services and optimise them for our users. For example, we use these cookies to analyse anonymously how effective selected improvements on our website are.

None of the cookies based on the aforementioned measures contain any personal data and do not allow them to be assigned to you as a natural person in any way. Cookies can only identify the computer you are using and this only while the cookies are not deleted or delete themselves because they have reached their stipulated lifespan. The storage period for cookies is dependent on their purpose and not the same for all.

Cookies are used exclusively to allow you the use of parts of our Internet offer.

It is standard for most browsers to accept cookies. In your security settings you can allow or bar temporary and stored cookies independently of one another. If you disable cookies, some of our functions are sometimes not available to you and some web pages will possibly not be displayed correctly. However, you can configure your browser so that no cookies are stored on your computer.

However, complete disabling of cookies may mean that you cannot use all the features of our website.

6. Data security

To protect your data against accidental or illegal deletion, forwarding, access or against any manipulation or loss, as well as against other misuse, appropriate technical and organisational actions are taken.

An SSL website certificate (Secure Socket Layer) encrypts your data for your security. This is an encryption standard that is also used, for example, in on-line banking You will detect a secure SSL connection, inter alia, from the s added to http (thus https://…) in your browser’s address bar or on the lock symbol in the bottom area of your browser.

Please remember that security when using the Internet depends on a number of circumstances and cannot be guaranteed faultless at all times.

7. Storage duration

Unless a more specific storage period has been specified within this privacy policy, your data will be stored during the period of the contractual relationship between you and the responsible body. Suppose you assert a legitimate request for deletion or revoke your consent to data processing. In that case, your data will be deleted unless we have other legally permissible reasons for storing your data (e.g., retention periods under tax or commercial law). In the latter case, the data will be deleted after these reasons no longer apply.

8. Overview of your rights

8.1. Right to information

You can request information about the processing purposes, category of the personal data, categories of the recipients, to whom your data has been or will be disclosed, the planned storage period and the source of your data, unless this was collected from you directly.

8.2. Right to correction

You can request correction of incorrect or completion of correct data.

8.3. Right to deletion

You can request deletion of your personal data.

8.4. Right to data transferability

You can ask to receive data that you have provided by transfer in a conventional, machine-readable format or by communication to another authorised person.

8.5. Right to complain

For this, you can contact the supervisory authority for your normal place of residence or another responsible supervisory authority.

8.6. Right to restriction

You can assert the right to data processing restriction if the accuracy of your personal data is disputed, its processing is unlawful and the person involved refuses to delete your personal data and instead requests restricted use of your personal data, if the person responsible for your personal data no longer requires it for processing purposes, but the person involved needs it for enforcement, exercising or defending legal claims, or the person involved has lodged an objection to processing pursuant to art. 21 DSGVO, as long as it has not yet been decided whether the authorised person’s entitled reasons outweigh those of the person involved.

8.7. Right to objection

The general right to objection applies for all processing purposes described here that are processed on the legal basis of art. 6 paragraph 1 letter f) DSGVO. Other than data processing that is described under the point “Data processing for advertising purposes”, we are required only to act on an objection if you state the reasons of higher significance that arise from a particular situation.